Update 4pm: Protesters of Mustafa Mahmoud march walked from Nile Street up the 6 October Bridge. Protesters burned tires disrupting traffic on the bridge. Cars had to take the opposite direction to go around the burning tires.
Update 3pm: “Where’s the Brotherhood, the people are here,” chanted demonstrators at Mustafa Mahmoud mosque, the starting point of a major march heading to Tahrir Square.
Protesters took to the streets across Egypt on the second anniversary of the January 25th Revolution, calling for social justice and better living standards as well as rejecting the brotherhood’s control over political institutions.

Thousands arrived at Mustafa Mahmoud following the Friday prayers. Former presidential candidates and National Salvation Front leaders Mohamed ElBaradei and Hamdeen Sabahyalong with former Member of Parliament Amr Hamzawy joined the march.
They marched towards Gamat El-Dowel Street where they waited for another march coming from Imbaba to join them.
When they reached Nile Street, a resident in an apartment building poured water down on protesters and they chanted louder and louder.
Another march led by former presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh along with prominent poet Abdel Rahman Yousef began at Istiqama mosque in Giza. Members of Strong Egypt Party said Abul Fotouh, the party’s leader, could not stay long because he had blood pressure and diabetes problems.
Hundreds of demonstrators at the march demanded that all those responsible for any violations throughout or after the Revolution be tried. The march reached Cairo University Square with resounding chants against the Ministry of Interior.
Strong Egypt Party Ultras marched ahead of the demonstrators and party members, saying they might spend the night in Tahrir Square.
Smaller numbers, mostly women, gathered at Roxy Square in Heliopolis to march towards the Presidential Palace. They carried banners with pictures of Om Kalthoum, Soad Hosny and Hoda Shaarwy. The march converged with a couple of thousand demonstrators also en route to the Palace.
When they arrived, they were met with Central security forces and republican guards surrounding the Palace. Demonstrators chanted against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Mohamed Morsy.
Some demonstrators were also chanting, “Police, army and the people are one hand.”