Mustafa Mahmoud march to Tahrir lead by ElBaradei and Sabahi (Photo by Ahmed ElMalky/DNE)
Mustafa Mahmoud march (Photo by Ahmed ElMalky/DNE)
Protesters holding banner with the picture of Jika (Photo by Hassan Ibrahim/DNE)
Protesters chanting “Bread, Freedom, Social Justice” in Tahrir (Photo by Hassan Ibrahim/DNE)
Banner in Tahrir saying “The revolution was a success for the Muslim Brotherhood, Today is another revolution not a celebration” (Photo by Hassan Ibrahim/DNE)
Protests broke out in Suez (Photo by Hassan Ghoneima/DNE)
Police fire heavy tear gas at protesters in Suez on 25 January 2013 and several people were arrested (Photo by Hassan Ghoneima/DNE)
Injured being carried out of Qasr Al Aini street near Tahrir square (Photo by Ahmed ElMalky/DNE)
Protesters attempting to tear down the security wall built in Qasr Al Aini street near Tahrir square (Photo by Ahmed ElMalky/DNE)
Clashes erupted between Security forces and protesters in Qasr Al Aini street near Tahrir square
Protesters throwing rocks at security forces in Qasr El Aini street (Photo by Hassan Ibrahim/DNE)
Protests broke out in Al Arish, North Sinai governorate (Photo by Nasser AlAzzazy/DNE)
Protests in Al Arish in North Sinai governorate (Photo by Nasser AlAzzazy/DNE)