Clashes erupt at the palace

Basil El-Dabh
1 Min Read
Molotov cocktail bomb starts a fire by the gates of the presidential palace in Heliopolis (Basil El Dabh)
Molotov cocktail bomb starts a fire by the gates of the presidential palace in Heliopolis (Basil El Dabh)
Molotov cocktail bomb throw by protesters starts a fire by the gates of the presidential palace in Heliopolis (Basil El Dabh)

Central Security Forces (CSF) use tear gas and water canons against protesters at the gates of the presidential palace.

While tensions were calm during a demonstration in Heliopolis, the situation escalated further into the evening.

Police, who had been stationed in front of the gates of the palace behind barbed wire, retreated behind the wall of the complex.

As a Molotov cocktail was thrown from the protesters’ side, CSF responded with water cannons and tear gas.

Clashes continued to escalate as both sides began throwing rocks.

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