One week after celebrating death sentences handed down to 21 people convicted of involvement in the killing of club fans, Ahlawy Ultras plan to remember victims.
The Ultras Ahlawy will gather outside the Al-Ahly club gates in Gezeera at 5pm on Friday.
One member of the Ultras said “We will gather outside the club gates for a condolence ceremony to remember those who died.” He confirmed that there will not be a march and the intention is for the ceremony alone.
The Ultra’s official Facebook page announced the event and stressed that the invitation is open to all.
The stadium massacre occurred in Port Said Stadium following the end of a match between local side Al-Masry and the visiting Al-Ahly. When the final whistle was blown Al-Masry fans stormed the pitch and began attacking Al-Ahly fans and players. The ensuing violence resulted in 74 deaths as a result of stabbing, beating, being crushed by the stampede or being thrown off the upper tier of the stadium seating.
Seventy-three people were put on trial accused of taking part in the massacre and last week 21 of these defendants were sentenced to death. The Ultras gathered outside the club gates from governorates from across Egypt and celebrated the verdict.
For some the verdict was not enough as the sentencing of the remaining defendants was postponed until March.
The verdict also was the spark for violent clashes in Port Said where the families of those sentenced to death went to the prison in an attempt to free their loved ones.
The member of the Ultras said, “We are initially happy with the verdict but it is only the beginning.”
The Egyptian football league was cancelled following the massacre and has yet to restart. The Egyptian Football Association announced on Wednesday that the league is scheduled to start next Saturday following approval from the Ministry of Defence.
Before last weeks verdict the Ultras had been wholly opposed to the start of the football league, as they demanded that justice should be served before the league resumes. The member confirmed that there would now be no opposition to start the league from the Ultras.