(AFP Photo)
By: Mohamed Al-Atrooche and Sherif Atia
Ahmed Mustafa, president of the Customs Duty Officers Union (CDOU) in Alexandria, discussed plans to form a joint committee with the city’s Customs Department in order to address obstacles and impediments faced throughout the city’s facilities.
Specifically the committee would address difficulties faced by individuals going though security, in addition to re-assessing clearance procedures and the facility’s electronic databases.
He added that the committee possessed the full power to effectively present and implement viable suggestions and strategies to address these issues.
The committee would seek to address issues related to imports and exports that would normally require the intervention of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), and stated that it would seek to meet with EFSA within the next several days.
Suggestions made included passing new customs laws and procedures in cooperation with the Customs Duty Officers Union, which includes 350 members, and represents 20% of all customs employees in Alexandria.
The decision to create a joint committee was reached after a meeting held by leaders of the Egypt Customs Agency (ECA), including Mohamed Al-Salhawi, President of the Department, Muhammad Hindi, President of the Customs Security Sector, Aowni Tamer, President of the Northern Region, Fuwad al-Khabat, President of the Operations Sector, Hussain Hanowsa President of the Tariffs Administration, Abd al-Hadi Abd al-Aziz, President of the Central Administration for Custom’s Procedures, Fakri Abd al-Hawab, President of the Administrative Centre of the Western Region.
The committee included a number of members from the Customs Duty Officers Union, including Ahmed Mustafa, Customs Duty Officer Captain, Madhat Habshi, First Mate, Muhammad al-Argawi, Second Mate, Muhammad Nassar, the Union’s General Secretary, al-Sayyid Mansour, Union Treasurer, and Union Board members, Nabil Hassan, Ahmed al-Shahat and Latfi al-Shahat.