Sometimes short and straightforward messages are more understandable and effective than long analytical ones. It can’t hurt if we try.
President Mohamed Morsi: It is not a matter of who you are; we oppose you because of what you have become. There are millions who did not vote for you and even more millions who did not vote at all. These millions were willing to be silent and pay respect to the elected president, but you, sir, stood by nobody except those who blatantly and in all propaganda declared their allegiance to you, to your ideas and to your people.
You became a president for the few. If you still believe that you can peacefully rule Egypt and if you want to rule it justly, then the least you can do is admit to your mistakes before you even think about repairing what has been broken.
The Muslim Brotherhood: Time after time, your leaders affirm that the group is nothing but a combination of power hungry politicians and men of faith who tailor religion according to their needs.
The movement that was once the symbol of resistance not only in Egypt but also throughout the Middle East has become a power-obsessed authority with blood on its hands. It will not be long before the people figure out all the damage done by the Brotherhood, and it will not be long before another model of political Islam proves a definite failure.
National Salvation Front: I was one of those who celebrated your birth and anticipated your positive and long-awaited contribution to Egyptian politics. I still identify with you and what you stand for, but like we expected a unified decent position in opposition of the Brotherhood’s problematic policies and decisions, we will soon expect you to come up with rational, attainable and specific solutions.
I support boycotting an election that lacks the basic fundamentals of transparency and integrity, but an inactive boycott is no different than an inactive representation in parliament. The Front needs to boycott all political procedures that do not fulfil its preconditions, but at the same time the cost of the Front’s absence must be made clear and explained in detail.
The people must know what exactly they are losing, simply because the Muslim Brotherhood does not know how to have dialogue with anyone who even knows how to argue. Therefore, an alternative parliament bloc must exist parallel to the actual parliament. Legislation bills and economic policies and solution-based visions should be regularly presented to the public. An active boycott will be more effective than representation without real influence.
Prime Minister Hesham Qandil: I spend long hours trying to figure out what exactly your policies are, what they reflect, what are the plans to implement them and what’s their final value. If you do have a vision-any vision whatsoever-then you are doing a terrible job in explaining this vision to Egyptians.
But if you don’t have any vision, either long- or short-term, then please allow me to ask you: What are you doing? Where do you find the willingness to go to your office? Where do you find peace and serenity when you know that the ship is sinking day after day and it is your job to tell people that it is fine? How do you stand before God in prayer when you know that you are deceiving the people you were entrusted with their best interest? Did they tell you that this is the common good? Did they convince you that they would step in at the right moment to save the day? Did the Brotherhood promise you that you would be rewarded for all the services you have done? Did they tell you that all your sacrifices would get you into heaven? Mr Prime Minister, I beg you, next time you are in your office, ask yourself in all honesty, “What am I doing here?”
Ultras Ahlawy: you have proved that collective action works and that people through their unity and commitment can bring about some change. You have taught all political actors in Egypt a lesson in strategy and tactics. But please silence the voices of hatred inside the group before they eat away all the respectful acts the people have come to know the Ultras for. I will always support a movement that wants to see justice done, but no one will ever sympathise with voices that want to make a city pay for what it was never responsible for.
The people of Port Said: I bow in respect to all those who have tolerated all what Port Said went through. There are thousands in Port Said who found themselves under attack simply because of where they come from. When all authorities failed to protect that city from national hatred and blind fanaticism, the people of Port Said rose in dignity and solidarity in defence of their city from marginalisation and false accusations.
To all of those who for a whole year paid a price they should not have paid, to all those who refused to be taken as scapegoats, to all those who stood against injustice and brutality, to the people of Port Said, in all respect I salute you.