(Photo Public Domain)
By: Mustafa Salah
A report recently released by the State Commissioner’s Authority requested that the Administrative Judiciary Court dissolve the organisation of the Muslim Brotherhood, and that the government take steps to prevent it from engaging in any further banking activities.
Abdel Moneim Abdel-Maqsud, the Brotherhood lawyer, stated that the court is not bound by the authority’s decision, and that the organisation was working to make its financial receipts public within the next few days.
The recommendation to dissolve the Brotherhood further stated that the organisation’s lawyers could not serve as legal representatives in their current capacity, as the organisation itself is not a legal entity, despite repeated attempts to label it as so either as a community, society or association, since they have failed to legalize their status.
On a related note, the Shura Council is set to finish drafting the final version of the country’s new civil society law next week, in preparation for it to be sent to President Mohamed Morsi for review.
Abd al-Athim Mahmud, the president of the Shura Council’s Committee for Human Resource Development, stated that the new law would seek to lower the minimum member requirement for official registration of civil society organisations from 50,000 to 10,000, in addition to that representatives from such organisations to be allowed to take 5% of their revenues.
He added that the committee would seek to take into account a number of requests made by civil society organisations, including requests that the maximum rate of tax deductions be increased from 10% to 30%, and that the Shura Council make available online all information on sources of funding of all civil society organisations and institutions operating within th