(File Photo) (AFP PHOTO)
Prime Minister Hesham Qandil announced the launch of a weekly question and answer “to share ideas and views on the future of Egypt.”
Qandil announced the initiative on his official Facebook page late on Wednesday. He recognised that there are a number of differing opinions about the government’s performance, which has taken place in what he described as “difficult and unconventional circumstances.” He added, “we agree or we disagree but that is up to the Egyptian citizens”.
In his post Qandil explained that the initiative allows Egyptians to submit queries or comments to Qandil via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. He will then review the posts and respond to them. Qandil added, “In the end I know we will not agree on everything and that there will still be a lot of criticism, but I promise you that whatever your questions I will answer them honestly and transparently.”
The deadline to submit questions on the Facebook page is set for 26 March.
At the time of writing the Facebook element of the initiative had received nearly 650 responses from the public. Some of the questions from the public asked about sanitation issues in slums, another asked when the Ministry of Interior would be restructured to improve security in Egypt.
Most of the posts are questions regarding policy and governance of Egypt but some have taken the opportunity to voice their opinion of Qandil. One Twitter user asked him “Are you happy with the title of ‘Failed Minister of Egypt’?” another user said, “I would love to participate in this initiative… I ask for you to leave!”