(AFP Photo)
By: Nasser Al-Azzazi
Egyptian security forces in North Sinai uncovered an Israeli spy network operating in the peninsula, apprehending its ring leader.
A security source within the North Sinai Security Directorate, who chose to remain anonymous, said that Egyptian intelligence had uncovered an Israeli spying ring that consisted of Egyptians and Palestinians, with security forces arresting the ringleader, known by the code name “A”, an Egyptian from the border city of Rafah. The leader told authorities that the cell consisted of 8 individuals.
The source added that he had supplied secret information regarding the cell to the North Sinai Security Directorate on the actions of the network’s ringleader, who spent time between Cairo and North Sinai, whom he had been following for 4 months. The source also provided authorities with recorded telephone conversations conducted between the ringleader and other individual cell members, saying that the cell sought to provide Israel with information on the activities of Egypt’s military.
Cell members were provided with an Israeli Orange SIM card to be used with cell phones, provided by Israel in order to maintain contact with the country’s Mossad. The arrested individual reportedly provided security forces with information on the other members of the network.
The source said he followed the accused spy until he was arrested, with security forces saying they did not find any incriminating papers or equipment to shed light on the network’s operations. The accused was held in North Sinai until the rest of the network was apprehended, arrested and brought before a court.