171 Egyptians deported from Libya

Luiz Sanchez
2 Min Read
Border guards arrested 71 individuals for attempting to illegally enter Libya through Egypt’s Western border near the border town of Salloum. (AFP File Photo)
Libyan authorities deported 171 Egyptians from the country (AFP File Photo)
Libyan authorities deported 171 Egyptians from the country
(AFP File Photo)

Libyan authorities deported 171 Egyptians from the country, state-run news agency MENA reported on Monday evening. The deportees were deported for various reasons, including visa irregularities and a lack of necessary health certificates.

According to MENA, 104 Egyptians were deported from a detention centre in the city of Misrata and 58 from Tripoli, with several more from the city of Zliten. Egyptian authorities are said to have cooperated with local Libyan authorities to secure the deportation of the Egyptians.

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian embassy in Tripoli were unavailable for comment.

This is not the first time Libya has deported a large number of Egyptians. Egypt’s expatriate population in Libya has often come into conflict with local law enforcement agencies for violating the conditions of their visas. Many expatriates lack the appropriate visas to work in neighbouring countries, are subjected to humiliating circumstances by their employers, or are the target of attacks from locals.

Recently Egyptian Christians were arrested for proselytising in Libya, an offence which carries the death penalty. One of the prisoners died in prison, prompting Egypt to send a delegation to secure the release of the other prisoners amid accusations that the man had died of torture.

So far this year, over 4,000 Egyptians are estimated to have crossed into Libya illegally.

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Luiz is a Brazilian journalist in Cairo @luizdaVeiga