(Photo By Ahmed Al-Malky)
Deputy Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat El-Shater and former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad held a press conference to compare the transition Malaysia saw under Mohamad’s tenure to Egypt’s current phase.
Mohamad recommended that the Egyptian government turn its focus to social justice and infrastructure in its post-revolution phase. The former prime minister said that Malaysia’s religious and ethnic diversity did not prove to be an obstacle to progress, and that many groups set ideological differences aside to take part in the evolution of the country.
The prominent Malaysian politician also turned his attention to Egypt’s opposition forces, saying it was critical that they participate in upcoming elections and reach out to the people.
He warned that there was a fine line between freedom and chaos, saying that a chaotic atmosphere would hamper economic growth and create new obstacles for future progress.
He stressed the importance of securing investments and adopting an economic policy that created new opportunities for labour.
El-Shater praised the progress that Malaysia made under Mohamad and said that it was the first example of an Islamic state that had managed to emerge as a developing country that adopted modern methods while maintaining the culture of its people.
Mahathir Mohamad was the fourth prime minister of Malaysia. He held his post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, during which Malaysia saw rapid economic growth and development.
The press conference was part of a two-day visit to Egypt, in which Mohamed is scheduled to meet many political figures as well as President Mohamed Morsi.