(Photo Party handout)
By Deena Wahba
Former presidential candidate Amr Mousa and his Conference Party held a conference on Friday in the governorate of Menufiya to promote the party’s objectives and discuss events planned for 30 June.
According to Yara Khalaf, Amr Moussa’s media consultant:“The current phase is one of the worst phases that [Egypt has experienced].”
He stated that Egypt’s declining role in the region is a result of numerous internal and external crises that have plagued the country recently. “However, problems have exacerbated and the future generations will suffer as a result.”
The party chairman called the current constitution “invalid”, stating it needed radical modifications. He said the constitution failed to provide equal rights for women, particularly in the political sphere, and deprived all Egyptians of their rights to have a modern constitution that guarantees their rights and duties.
Moussa also called on residents of the governorate to support the Tamarod campaign, saying it is a national, political and legal movement that expresses its opinion in a civilised manner without violence.
The party leader also spoke of the necessity of restoring Egypt’s historical position in the region, adding that this should be the president’s first responsibility.
Moussa also discussed his Wednesday meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat Al-Shater at the home of Ayman Nour, which he said was aimed to send a final message to the regime that the current situation cannot be accepted.
He also said he emphasised the rights of youth and warned of clashes and harassing protesters during planned demonstrations on 30 June. He added that the National Salvation Front will be present on the day of demonstrations.
Moussa told attendees of the conference that he warned Al-Shater that citizens are fed up and that “we’re all angry and frustrated… and citizens won’t tolerate this anymore.”
Khaled stated that Ayman Nour invited Moussa for dinner at Nour’s house along with Al-Shater on Wednesday; however, Nour had stated in a press release that he and Moussa “met on Saturday at Moussa’s office, where they agreed on the seriousness of the current situation and the importance of presenting demands to the decision makers.”
“They [Nour and Moussa] agreed to present their statements to the Brotherhood and the ruling party,” Khaled said. “So they came up with the idea of inviting Al-Shater and [Freedom and Justice Party Chairman] Saad Al-Katatni to meet and exchange opinions.”
Al-Katatni was not present during the meeting at Nour’s home due to a previous engagement with the cabinet, according to a statement by Nour.