(AFP File Photo)
Protests on 30 June will change the stance of the US administration over the value of “street action,” said founding member of Al-Dostour Party Ahmed Hawary.
Hawary’s statements to Daily News Egypt come in response to US Ambassador Anne Patterson’s remarks in a Tuesday a speech at Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies.
“Some say that street action will produce better results than elections. To be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical,” Patterson said.
Hawary added that President Mohamed Morsi had adopted stances in line with US policy to ensure the latter’s support for his government, citing the president’s recent announcement of support for the Free Syrian Army against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.
“We will not consider the US stance now; they will undermine any street action. But 30 June will make them give up their support to the Brotherhood,”” Hawary said.
Patterson said that the centre’s chairman, Saad Al-Din Ibrahim, had asked her to discuss the US government’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Our policy remains what it always has been: the government of the United States of America supports Egypt, its people, and its government,” she said.
Patterson added that the US wants Egypt to succeed and enjoy the benefits of a democratic society because the US supports universal rights and freedoms.
“But America’s self-interest as a nation also is a key consideration,” Patterson said, adding that stable democracies that “respect civil liberties and host a vibrant opposition make the best allies.”
Heba Yassin, spokesperson for Al-Tayar Al-Sha’aby, a coalition of socialist opposition parties, stated that her organisation rejected US interference in Egyptian affairs.
“The Brotherhood represents a compliant tool at the hands of the US to serve its interests in the region,” Yassin said.
She added that the opposition was calling for peaceful protests, and noted that they had subjected to violence, torture and arrests by the regime while “the US, which supports freedoms and human rights, didn’t even comment.”
Patterson meanwhile had warned that more violence on the streets would only add to the lists of victims. “I recommend Egyptians get organized. Join or start a political party that reflects your values and aspirations,” she said. “Progress will be slow and you often will feel frustrated. But there is no other way.”