An armed attack against the home of Deputy Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat El-Shater took place on Monday afternoon.
Ikwanweb reported the attack in a tweet, saying that “armed thugs” were “attacking, attempting to storm” El-Shater’s house.
El-Shater’s daughter, Khadeija, wrote updates of the attack on her Facebook account, claiming that the police had stormed the street and fired heavily to disperse the security officers of the apartment building, after which they brought “thugs” to chant against the Muslim Brotherhood.
“The police fired, then disappeared to clear the way for thugs,” she wrote.
El-Shater’s son, Saad, added on Twitter: “our driver was kidnapped outside the house before my eyes, after they failed to break into the house.”
The Freedom and Justice party denied media reports that 15 members of El-Shater’s security were arrested.