(AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
The supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Badie has been arrested, according to the Associated Press. The Prosecutor General’s office issued arrest warrants on Thursday for the arrest of Badie and Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat El-Shater.
The two leading Brotherhood figures, according to state-owned MENA, are charged with the killing of peaceful protesters in Moqattam, where the group’s headquarters are located.
Travel bans were issued for Mohamed Morsi and 15 prominent Islamist figures on Thursday. The list of politicians includes Saad Al-Katatni, Mohamed Al-Beltagy, Mohamed Akef, Sobhi Saleh, Essam Sultan, Gamal Gibril, Taher Abdul Mohsen and Mohamed Al-Omda, according to state-owned Al-Ahram.
The 15 were reportedly detained for insulting the judiciary.
Eight people were killed when the headquarters were attacked on Sunday, with approximately 70 injured. Eyewitnesses claim those outside the headquarters were targeted from gunmen shooting from inside the building.
On Wednesday security forces arrested Saad Al-Katatni, Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and Rashad Bayoumi, a senior Brotherhood leader.
Al-Ahram reported that security services were working to arrest approximately 300 members of the Brotherhood across the country.
“Muslim Brotherhood members have not been arrested unless they were deemed to have broken the law,” said Colonel Ahmed Ali, a spokesman for the armed forces.