(AFP Photo)
By Muhammad Fowzi
Vodafone announced it is capable of providing users Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) tracking services with the highest available level of security to protect both their data and privacy.
A representative for the project Zakaria Nabil said Vodafone engages in “periodic searches” of its system every three months as a special security measure to protect users and their data, and users of the company’s tracking services will not have to worry about acts of piracy or hacking.
Through the service, users would be able to follow and track their vehicles, know the exact routes taken, the amount of fuel consumed, the locations in which they stop and begin moving, as well as the speed of the vehicle, Nabil said.
He said such services have long-existed in other countries, but was not made available in Egypt until recently, largely for security reasons, adding that the “service will only be permitted if it complies with specific security standards imposed by Egypt’s government.” The device itself comes with a GPS modem integrated with a GPS receiver.
He said the service can also be used to help combat acts of theft. After an act of theft has been detected, the service would work to identify and pinpoint the vehicle’s position, then inform the user via SMS of its exact location.
He added that Vodafone had first begun cooperating with the Egyptian Tracking Services for Information Technology, which is considered a partner in the project, to develop the service during Ramadan 2012.
Nabil emphasised the service’s security dimension, noting that the Egyptian Tracking Services for Information Technology Company had assisted Vodafone in tackling security for the service.
He said when users seek to log on to acquire information regarding their vehicles, they do so through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure system, a security and telecommunications system which prevents users or individuals from being able to read its contents. All of the above stated security measures he said, would conform to the country’s Telecommunications Regulatory Act.
Nabil said the country’s security services stipulated that all data and special systems used must be located and operated within Egypt so as not to be monitored and reviewed by foreign elements, adding that all service data would be located in a special central database belonging to the company located in 6th of October city.
He said the service also allows drivers to determine the best possible route, in order to consume the least amount of gasoline.
Nabil said the price of the service had not yet been determined, estimating, however, that it could be between EGP 1,300 and EGP 1,500 for individuals and EGP 1,900 for companies.
Translated from Al-borsa