By Charlie Miller
Nabil Fahmy told Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans that all decisions in Egypt are made by the government and are not influenced by external sources.
Ministers Fahmy and Timmermans discussed a range of domestic issues in a meeting on Wednesday morning, the ministry’s official spokesman Badr Abdel Atty confirmed.
They discussed the domestic situation and Fahmy explained Egypt’s commitment to build real democracy through the ballot box, he added, stressing that Egypt would “progress in line with the rule of law without exceptions or the exclusion of any one person or party.
Fahmy emphasised that peaceful protest should be allowed to occur, but should do so “without incitement or violence.” Fahmy also stressed the ministry’s “timely commitment to the roadmap.”
Abdel Atty confirmed that Fahmy conveyed: “all decisions related to internal or foreign affairs are in the hands of the government” and stressed that the government does not accept any interference from any external body.
A statement released by the Embassy of the Netherlands on Wednesday announced that Timmermans is scheduled to meet with politicians and representatives from “civil society organisations”, with a view to emphasising the Netherlands’ commitment “to a democratic and inclusive transition process in Egypt”, in addition to joining “the efforts of EU-member states and the United States” in order to “support Egypt in its ongoing transition.”
Timmermans is due to meet with a delegation from the National Salvation Front, the National Alliance for Legitimacy and the Al-Nour Party, the statement continued, stating that he will also meet with youth representatives, human rights defenders and bloggers.
The Netherlands Ambassador Gerard Steeghs confirmed on social media that he, along with Timmermans, had met with interim president Adly Mansour and interim prime minister Hazem El-Beblawi Wednesday morning.
The group also discussed a range of regional issues including the Ethiopian dam project and the Nile Basin.
A source at the Embassy of the Netherlands added that the visit is due to conclude on Thursday.
The presidency’s media adviser Ahmed El-Moslimany said on Wednesday that diplomatic efforts “had not achieved the hoped-for results”, holding the Muslim Brotherhood “completely responsible” for the current impasse.