On Tuesday, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights requested that the prosecutor general’s office to investigate the deaths of 165 citizens since July 27th.
“Security forces’ negligence regarding protection of citizens” , was the main catalyst behind the deaths, the EIPR statement explained, asking for an urgent and independent investigation of the casualities.
The organization, that describes itself seeking “the promotion and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in Egypt” stated that 165 people have lost their lives due to political violence since July 27th “not counting the loss of lives near the republican guard or the Manasa”
Karim Enara, researcher for the EIPR said that “The EIPR holds security forces accountable for the loss of lives” explaining, “one common factor between testimonies of witnesses was that the security forces allowed for violence to take place by not intervening”
The statement also noted that the Prosecutor’s General’s office is currently investigating a number of events that resulted in deaths such as the shooting outside the Muslim Brotherhoods Headquarters as well as the deaths of 4 pro Morsy females in Mansoura
The initiative asked the prosecutors office to continue its investigative efforts by widening its scope of investigation, citing the penal code, which considers it a felony and “holds every public employee accountable if purposely neglecting their post or job.”
The EIPR also quoted the law of police, which states that failure to intervene is a crime, “a crime that resulted in the death and injury of hundreds of citizens in clashes or armed attacks” the statement explained.
The statement ended with Enara saying that “despite the bloody record of the security forces in the excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrations …they in turn fail to minimally intervene to protect the lives of citizens and demonstrators when this intervention is legal “