Despite a limited number of holiday releases, industry experts expect high revenues
Only five films were shown in movie theatres during the Eid Al-Fitr break, three of which were made and produced by the El-Sobky family.
Many in the movie industry expect this season to witness high revenues due to the small number of films released.
The low number of new films is thought to be the result of producers’ fears based on the current turmoil and political circumstances, particularly after 30 June.
Mohamad Salih, manager of a movie theatre in Cairo, said: “the current season will witness the highest revenue rates we have seen since 2010, particularly those targeting youth from ages 15 to 30. The film Lion Heart has so far grossed EGP20m in revenues.”
He added that film writers and producers cater to specific age groups when making their films, particularly that of college-aged youths and younger, which may help to revive the movie industry.
Salih said this age group is responsible for most film revenues, particularly for action films that cater to their preferences in terms of modern music and songs.
Mohamad Sadiq, a movie theatre box office employee, said revenues should increase commensurate with advertising and the ability of companies to promote films, particularly in provinces located in Upper Egypt and along the Red Sea.
Salih said: “provinces in Upper Egypt and the Red Sea coast will play a large role in helping companies achieve high revenue rates, particularly for films that appeal to youth and touch on issues that people in the region can relate to.”
Translated from Al-Borsa newspaper