(Photo from Gamila Ismail’s Facebook page)
Al-Dostour Party leading member, Gamila Ismail, filed a complaint on Sunday against 76 media entities for publishing false news regarding the alleged WikiLeaks wire which claimed that she, and other activists, received funds from the United States to inform former US ambassador in Egypt, Margaret Scobey, about the political situation in Egypt.
Several prominent figures joined Ismail in her complaint, including Nasser Amin, head of the Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary , Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), prominent political activist Nawara Negm, Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) head Hafez Abuseada and EOHR member Ghada Shahbender.
Shabender told Daily News Egypt that a similar complaint was filed against Al-Wafd newspaper in December 2011, regarding the same alleged WikiLeaks wire.
News about the alleged WikiLeaks wire was published in several Egyptian newspapers, citing a “sovereign authority,” saying that General Prosecution is investigating the information in the alleged wire. The General Prosecutor Office denied such reports, saying that it did not receive any complaints regarding any of WikiLeaks’ wires. Daily News Egypt tried to contact the General Prosecution’s office to ask about the current status of the complaint, but they were not available for comment.
“It seems like Human Rights Activists are a source of nuisance for suppressive regimes, but we will go on with what we are doing,” Shahbender said.