(AFP Photo)
By Mohamed Alaa Al-Din
Mobile services provider Mobinil recently released Q2 indicators from the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) regarding the rate of dropped calls occurring before such calls were successfully completed in the greater Cairo region. Total rates for Mobinil users hovered between 0.4% and 1.3%, with Etisalat placing second, with rates varying between 0.6% and 1.4%. Southern Cairo was reported as having the highest rate for all three service providers.
Indicators released by Etisalat showed the company’s dropped call rates varying between 0.5% and 1.4%, with Vodafone placing second, with rates hovering between 0.7% and 1.8%. According to these indicators, Mobinil placed third, with rates varying between 1.1% and 1.7%. According to Etisalat indicators, southern Cairo reported the highest rate of dropped calls for all three mobile service providers.
Regarding voice quality services, Vodafone placed first within the Cairo governorate, with rates ranging between 1.3% and 2.7%. They were followed by Mobinil, with rates ranging between 1.2% and 3.7%, with Etisalat placing third, with rates ranging from 1.9% to 2.6%.
Indicators regarding rates of dropped calls occurring before calls were successfully completed in western Alexandria released by Mobinil, showed the company achieving a 0.3% rate, with Etisalat and Vodafone tying for second with near equal rates.
A report released by the NTRA showed Mobinil and Vodafone being tied for first place in terms of sound quality services, with rates ranging between 1.2% and 1.4%, with Etisalat placing third with rates as high as 3.4% during worst case scenarios.
In the Delta region, both Mobinil and Vodafone reported service dropout rates higher than 2%, the maximum allowed rate as specified by the NTRA. Vodafone was reported to have exceeded the maximum allowed dropout rate by 0.9%. Meanwhile Etisalat was reported to have exceeded the maximum dropout rate by 1% in the 10th of Ramadan city.
Dropped call rates occurring during conversations showed Mobinil providing the best service, although the report released only monitored such rates in three cities in the Delta region. Average dropout rates for Alexandria reached 1.1% during worst case scenarios, with rates for Vodafone varying between 0.9% and 1.5%. Sound quality service rates for the Delta region placed Etisalat in first place, with rates not exceeding 4.2% during worst case scenarios. Mobinil placed second with 4.4%, while Vodafone placed third with 7.4%.
In the governorates of Port Said and Suez, both Etisalat and Mobinil exceeded the maximum allowed rate for service dropout before conversations were held. All three mobile service providers achieved an average rate of dropped service of 0.8% during worst case scenarios. In terms of sound quality service rates, Etisalat reported rates of 1.7%. Mobinil meanwhile reported rates between 0.7% and 1%, while Vodafone reported 2.3% during worst case scenarios.
Translated from Al Borsa newspaper