The Cairo Urgent Matters Court set the date for Monday 23 September to announce its verdict on whether to disband the Muslim Brotherhood organisation or not, the court stated on Saturday. The lawsuit was filed against the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation, disputing its legality, by Lawyer Mahmoud Abdallah, who is a member of Al-Tagammu party Regarding the status of the Brotherhood’s association, social solidarity minister, Ahmed Boraie, told state-owned Al-Ahram earlier on Saturday that a decision to disband the association “needs to be studied intensively, because it is a legal action not a political one.” Boraie said that the decision issued earlier by the National Union for Associations calling for the disbanding of the Brotherhood’s associations was a result of finding firearms and ammunition in the Brotherhood’s headquarters. The Muslim Brotherhood Association, which was founded by the Brotherhood Organisation in March 2013 in order to legalize its actions, is headed by former Supreme Guide and current detainee, Mahdi Akef. The Brotherhood Organisation was founded on 1928, but was later disbanded by former president Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1954, after it allegedly attempted to assassinate him. The organisation remained banned under former presidents Anwar Al-Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, while limitedly engaging in politics. The organisation formed a political party, the Freedom and Justice Party after the 25 January 2011 Revolution. The organisation was accused of being “illegal,” which led it to found the association in March 2013 while Mohamed Morsi, a Brotherhood member, was in power.