![Joud offers many home accessories with chic designs that focuses on Egyptian traditions and culture (Photo from Joud Home Accessories)](https://d1b3667xvzs6rz.cloudfront.net/2018/09/8-1--300x143.jpg)
(Photo from Joud Home Accessories)
There is something about teapots and mugs that is just enticing. How often have you gone to make tea or coffee just to use a new teapot or mug? It’s that first sip. It does make a point: good home accessories prompt you to use them. A major part of an accessory’s merit is in its design.
That is the premise of Joud Home Accessories: creative and enticing designs. We contacted owner Deena Fadel for more information.
She admits that she initially had no interest in designing home accessories, but her career as an artist led her to advertising. “Until I was searching for home products for my house, then I spotted a need in the market for designed home products,” Fadel said. “A spark occurred and I started enjoying creating samples and creating home products…it became my passion.”
She credits her formal training as a graphic designer to being the main aspect of her business, saying, “I wouldn’t claim I am only a home accessories designer. I am an inspired artist who sees potential in applying art and design to anything in the world.”
At first, it was a one-woman show, but things changed as the business started to grow. “With a more specialised team we were able to create a better system and grow the company more effectively,” she said. “We are a team of six, and I am proud to have them. Thank you Joud team for making it happen! Also special thanks to my husband, who oversees the accounting department.”
Fadel tries to keep the operation as Egyptian as she possibly can. “We use a lot of wood and acrylic as well as porcelain for the mugs. The wood is from Egypt, acquired from our local manufacturers. We used to purchase the porcelain mugs from outlets that import them from Asia, however luckily recently we changed to a supplier from Egypt,” Fadel explained.
She is passionate about finding inspiration in anything around her. “To live life as an inspired observer is a lot more fun than putting barriers around your eyes and thoughts and viewing your life as a single track with normal objects around you,” Fadel explained. She seeks inspiration even from things that may not seem appealing at first glance: “That cracked wall may inspire a design.”
However, one thing remains as a constant in most of the products: “A lot of Joud designs are inspired by Egypt’s culture and traditions with a modern twist and fusion of bright colours,” she explained.
Even though the business first started on Facebook, it has grown since then, distributing their products to a few shops around town and they offer home delivery. “Joud started to export [its products] in 2011. One of our aims is to proudly spread an Egyptian brand name,” Fadel said.
They depend on their customers to be able to design the products that they want. “Joud involves customers in several areas, such as design opinions, competitions, names and more; thus creating a bond between the customer and the brand,” Fadel said.
The most popular item on their list of products is the tray, which comes in many innovative designs. “Also the Coaster N Tray is quite popular, as it is a unique, valuable gift for a reasonable price,” Fadel said.
New collections come out every few months, and Fadel explained that they tend to release new products every now and then to “revive the collection”. Fadel also divulged that they are working on a new project with Gemma Ceramics, having been asked to provide collections for kitchens and bathrooms.
More information about Joud Home Accessories and their collections can be found on their Facebook page.