The circuit court for urgent matters in Abdeen ruled to disband the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation and ordered the confiscation of its capital on Monday, after Mahmoud Abdallah, member of the Tagamoa party, filed the complaint.
The court ordered the “the banning of the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab Republic of Egypt [and activities] emanating [from] it, the Organisation and any other institution which branched [from it], belonged to it or received financial support or any kind of support from it.”
The urgent matters court also ordered the confiscation of “all real estate funds, liquid and transmitted, whether owned by or leased to the Muslim brotherhood.”
Attorney Alaa Essam, a Tagamoa party member and partner of Mahmoud Abdallah explained: “[the] threat of the Muslim Brotherhood organization upon national security is apparent, and thus, requires an urgent court order to halt the danger.”
“If an appeal is not made within 15 days, the order will be applied and finalized,” explained Mahmoud Abdullah’s assistant.
The state council will review the case and will provide the platform for the government to issue an order.
“The next step is to file a motion with the state council, which has the full jurisdiction to examine the subject matter of the case,” stated Essam. “In the process, we will request the adherence of the president to the case, where he will be asked to produce a decree banning the organisation.”
Essam stated: “An urgent case is filed ahead of a civil court and is a precautionary and civil matter, which asks for an emergency court ruling to preserve a right or halt the activities of a threat, in this case the Muslim Brotherhood.”
In the memorandum of the ruling of the circuit court, which clarifies the merits of the decision, it was stated: ” [the] Muslim Brotherhood Organisation used the Islamic religion as a cover for their illicit activities pushing people to go out in protest on 30 June.”
Article 45 of the Egyptian procedural law stipulates that a judge specializing in urgent issues may order an injunction in matters that require emergency rulings. The urgent matters judge does not review the original dispute, but judges based on the situation at hand. The disbandment of the Muslim Brotherhood was based on it being “an international organization [that] poses an imminent threat and requires the complete halt of its activities.”
Several other cases were filed against the Muslim Brotherhood, including one by Engineer Hamdy El Fakharany disputing the legality of the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation. The Organisation was formed in March 2013 under the auspices of Muslim Brotherhood member, and at the time Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi.
The Administrative Court had previously postponed the ruling on the legality of the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation, raised by El-Fakharany, to 12 October in order to review the report by the board of state commissioners. The board’s report recommended the “dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood Organisation, appointing a liquidator to apply the laws pursuant to Article 44 and Article 45 of Law No. 84 for the year 2002 on associations and NGOs.” The Board of State Commissioners is designated to review the legality of associations, and although its decisions are not binding, they are highly effective.
El Fakharany said: “Eight other cases are filed for the disbandment of the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization, while the case I filed is the only one asking for the dissolution of the illegal organisation as a whole.”