In a statement issued on Saturday Al-Dostour party demanded an immediate investigation in the death of Belal Gaber, who was shot during Anti-Coup Alliance protests on Friday.
The party affirmed that it acknowledges that “the Muslim Brotherhood and Freedom and Justice Party hold non-peaceful protests and their failure to condemn terrorist actions, which can be considered support for these actions”
However, Al-Dostour demanded that the Egyptian government commits to human rights “whatsoever”
The statement read that “imposing a state of emergency does not mean violating a citizens’ right to life, decent treatment, freedom of speech and being tried in front of civil courts. These rights were obtained by Egyptians with their blood in 25 January Revolution”
Ain Shams University students protested on Saturday against the killing of first year engineering student Gaber during Friday’s protests
Gaber was allegedly shot by security forces during a Pro-Morsi Nasr City protest on Friday, but the Ministry of Interior has denied any knowledge of the student’s death.