A Sunday presidential decree raised the Egyptian president’s monthly salary by over 20 fold, from EGP 2,000 to EGP 42,000 – roughly $6,000.
According to state-run Al-Ahram, the raise in salary will begin with the next president, and will not be applied to current interim President Adly Mansour.
Article 145 of the 2014 Constitution stipulates that any change in presidential salary will be enacted during the following term. The article also states that while in office, the president may not engage in “independent profession or commercial, financial or industrial activity,” nor may he or she rent out property.
The EGP 42,000 will consist of an EGP 21,000 compensation fee for his or her services as president on top of an EGP 21,000 base pay.
Presidential elections in Egypt are slated to take place on 26 and 27 May, heavily favoured former Minister of Defence Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi against Nasserist Hamdeen Sabahy.