By Menna Zaki
Approximately 44% of the Egyptians are expecting a pay raise of 15% during 2014, according to Bayt.com’s MENA Salary Survey, released Monday.
The survey also said that 42% of the Egyptians are “dissatisfied” with their salaries, with 28% of the respondents receiving no pay rise in 2013. As many as 67% surveyed believe that the salary they receive is less than what other companies in the same industry pay.
Egyptian respondents to the survey claimed that the cost of living increased in 2013 by 20%, affecting the cost of commodities and utilities, and limiting the employees’ ability to save.
Suhail Masri, Vice president of Sales at Bayt.com, says that according to the results of the survey, the cost of living is moving with a faster pace than salaries in Egypt.
Bayt.com, a regional job seekers website, releases the MENA Salary Survey annually which reveals the level of satisfaction of the employees across the Middle East and North Africa.
In January, Ministry of Finance announced that 4.83 million public sector workers will have their salaries increased to the minimum wage. The minimum wage was set to be EGP 1,200, applicable only on employees who work in collection units of the ministries, the government localities and the service authorities
In March, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) reported that the minimum wage is too low considering the poverty rates and cost of living in Egypt.
Public sector workers comprise less than a quarter of the workforce, according to state-run newspaper, Al Ahram.