By Federica Ibrahim
A Nasr City Court sentenced two men Monday, to two years imprisonment and a fine of EGP 5000 each, for verbally harassing a woman inside a mall.
State-owned Al Ahram reported that a woman at a Nasr City mall notified authorities when two men approached her and began directing indecent language towards her and verbally harassing her. The defendants were arrested and referred to investigation.
Last week, the prosecutor general referred 13 sexual assault suspects to the Urgent Matters Court.
The prosecution’s investigation into the assault cases said it had found that six women were sexually assaulted by mobs on 8 June. For their part, civil society organisations reported at least nine cases of sexual assault, while the Forensics Authority medically examined at least seven women subjected to sexual assault on 10 June.
On Saturday, a misdemeanor court issued a swift verdict handing a one year labour sentence and a EGP 3,000 fine to a man arrested last Wednesday while taking a photo of a sleeping woman on a public bus.
The sexual harassment law was introduced in June by former interim President Adly Mansour just days before he handed power over to the President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The law stated that those found to commit sexual harassment would face imprisonment for at least one year and a fine of EGP 3,000.
The sexual harassment law also includes verbal harassment, sexual gestures, and harassment through phones or other means of communication in its definition.