(AFP Photo)
British Airways (BA) has improved its website offering better services and greater assistance for clients with special needs.
The airline has based the improvements on “feedback from customers who told the airline they didn’t want to have to keep repeating their needs”.
“They [the introduced improvements] enable customers to enter and find out more information about the service they require when using the ‘manage my booking’ tool,” the airline said. “Previously, customers had to book most types of special assistance by making a phone call to BA’s contact centres.”
Assistance will be provided for customers who require wheelchairs, are visually impaired, deaf or have learning disabilities.
“Ba.com users now have the option of saving their special assistance preferences, making the customer journey even smoother the next time they make a booking,” BA said. “They also have the option to edit, add to or delete these when making a booking”.
Commercial Manager for BA in Egypt Mervat Alfy said: “Using technology developed as part of the Know Me project, we store the information in a profile so that it’s available automatically and each time a customer rebooks all they have to do is to confirm that they want us to use those details for that booking.”
Around 30,000 customers registered with BA require special assistance with around 90% requiring use of a wheelchair.