30 June fact finding committee extends work until 21 November

Menan Khater
2 Min Read
A supporter of ousted president Morsi searches through debris in Cairo on August 14, 2013 after the sit in dispersal (AFP, Mosaab el-Shamy)
A supporter of  ousted president Morsi searches through debris in Cairo on August 14, 2013 after the sit in dispersal  (AFP, Mosaab el-Shamy)
A supporter of ousted president Morsi searches through debris in Cairo on August 14, 2013 after the sit in dispersal
(AFP, Mosaab el-Shamy)

The fact finding committee received approval from the presidency on Saturday to extend its work for two more months, until 21 November.

The committee proposed a request earlier to the presidency and to the Ministry of Finance in order to proceed with its work after it had received new information regarding the dispersal.

Committee spokesman Amr Marwan said the committee has received a “huge amount” of videos and documents from families and official entities. He also added that the committee will work during the upcoming months on verifying the data and filtering it to compose a full report that documents the events that took place from June 2013 to June 2014.

The  30 June fact finding committee is an independent national entity formed after the 30 June uprising to document the events surrounding it. This is the second time the committee has received an extension.

The new report is expected to include updated data from the dispersal of pro-Morsi si-ins at Rabaa Al-Adaweya and Nahda squares and will be sent to President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi on 21 November.

More than 500 were reported dead by the health ministry after the Rabaa sit-in dispersal. Egypt has witnessed a turbulent security situation and weekly clashes between pro-Morsi supporters and security forces ever since.

In an official statement on Saturday, the committee called on the finance ministry to respond to its request regarding financing its expenses such that it is able to continue its work during the coming months.


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Politics and investigative reporter for Daily News Egypt. Initiator and lead instructor of DNE's special reporting project for university students 'What Lies Beyond.' Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menannn1