Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb said Saturday that “no law will be imposed on journalists and media professionals without the agreement of all parties involved”.
He added that the government supports the freedom of the press.
Mehleb’s statements came during a meeting held Saturday with Galal Aref, head of the Supreme Press Council and Press Syndicate chairman Diaa Rashwan.
Mehleb issued a statement on 11 October on the formation of a committee drafting the press and media legislations
A statement was issued last week by the Press Syndicate saying that Mehleb’s decision regarding forming a committee drafting press and media legislations contradicts Article 77 of the constitution. The Article states that “the opinion of the Press syndicate should be sought on drafting any legislation pertaining to it”.
The decision contradicts Article 70 of the constitution that the Supreme Press council should be involved as well, according to the statement.
The statement called for the Prime Minister to refrain from the decision of forming this committee.
However, Mehleb said that the committee will start its work this coming Wednesday.
According to Karem Mahmoud, Secretary General of the Press Syndicate, the committee will not change any laws. It is an advisory committee to the Prime Minister and the Press Syndicate, with the Supreme Council involved if any changes to the laws relating to the profession are proposed.