(Mahmud Hams/AFP)
The Ministry of Religious Endowment has decided to amend the speech for the upcoming Friday prayer in attempt to spread awareness on the threats of the 28 November marches.
The new agenda, announced on Wednesday by the ministry, will discuss different forms of and forbidding of corruption and “wicked” attempts of destroying the military and the state. The speech will also cover doubts around Islamic beliefs and how much of a threat it can be for national security.
The decision comes in response to a call launched by Islamist political organisation, the Salafi Front, to spearhead a new wave of protests. The Salafi Front has placed the protests under the name “The Muslim Youth Uprising”, to take place on 28 November. The group said that the protests come in response to “secular attempts to weaken the Islamic identity and Sharia”.
The ministry labelled the forms of corruption as extremist thoughts, including conspiracies from inside or outside Egypt. It added that the calls for protests on 28 November are “malicious calls”.
It also added that this goes against the basic concepts of Shariaa which ensures preserving self and religion. The statements completely prohibited the protests and claimed that any Muslim who will take part in it will be ignorant and a traitor.