(Photo by Jihad Abaza)
An Egyptian TV director was reportedly found killed near the Libyan city of Bayda; his family is currently awaiting his corpse to be identified and sent back to Egypt via Tunisia.
Mohamed Galal, 31, worked for the Libyan TV station Barqa, before being kidnapped in August 2014 by Islamist militants, along with four other Libyans from the station crew, according to a Facebook post by his cousin Doaa Sultan.
Sultan said that officials form Bayda city contacted the Egyptian consulate in Tobruk to inform them that an Egyptian national’s corpse was found, but the consulate was unresponsive.
The officials contacted Galal’s family. Nevin Galal, Mohamed’s sister, told Daily News Egypt Tuesday that upon identifying her brother’s corpse, it will be sent back home through Tunisia.
She also said that the family has been trying to contact the Foreign Ministry since Monday, but they were not aware of the case.
“Islamic State” militants have killed five journalists working for Barqa. The reporters had been missing since August, when they left the eastern city Tobruk to travel to Benghazi after covering the inauguration of the country’s elected parliament, Reuters reported Monday.