(Photo handout o the Daily News Egypt)
The future lies in the information technology and devices sectors, General Manager of Huawei Egypt Yang Tao stated, adding that Huawei started working in technological solutions in the business sector 10 years ago.
The company will start focusing on the information technology sector to be able to solve any crisis that would arise in the future, he added.
He declared that the company will pump major investments in the IT sector to be able to guarantee the future of the company within the next few years. Yang added that the company has 10,000 employees working in research and development in the world through research centres in the US, China, and Europe. In addition, Huawei works with one of the companies specialised in research and development in the Middle East, so that their development centres are spread all over the strategic areas in the markets targeted by Huawei.
Huawei provides many technological solutions, including smart transportation solutions, whereby it has provided solutions to more than 87,000 kilometres of railways and metro in different areas of the world. Huawei was the foremost supplier of data centres after it proved to be the fastest growing company among the global data centres in 2014 with a rate of 137% for the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2014, according to IDC Datacentre Networks .
The company’s revenue growth for the global data centres’ transformers increased by 10%, and its revenues for Q4 of 2014 represents 4% of global sales, causing a great jump for the company from seventh place in Q4 of 2013 to the fourth place in Q4 of 2014.