HC Securities and Investment is opening three new branches in Maadi, Mohandessin and Sohag during May to attract small investors and customers, according to CEO Hussein Shokry.
Shokry said that the expansion is a part of the company’s strategy to deliver its services to customers throughout Egypt, in addition to attracting the largest number of individual clients in the local market.
The CEO confirmed that the upcoming period will allow further growth and investment opportunities in the stock market, which led to opening new branches in new areas of the company’s work.
He noted that the company-expanding plan includes new regions, such as Delta, Upper Egypt and Alexandria, with total of 12 new branches targeted by the end of 2016. HC will also get permission soon to open new branch in Minya. The expansion targets attracting new retail customers.
“The company started extending its work and business in Upper Egypt to protect the clients from fraud and provide those new productions with good services,” Shokry said, adding that the company will create new methods and means of attracting clients in these areas through its employees.
“The opening of these branches came after the company studied the demand on HC services, and through the company’s online share dealing, the company can know the needs of customers and offer the service nationwide,” he clarified.
HC acted as financial advisor to Middle East Glass Manufacturing Company in the process of raising capital at fair value per share, with a total amount of EGP 205m.
HC has also worked as a financial consultant for the Dutch Trakoira me company, which has acquired 27% of Minapharm Pharmaceuticals (MIPH) and 15% of the Minapharm Brobbeugen Company’s shares, which is affiliated to Minapharm. The value of the acquisition of the two companies amounted to EGP 168m. HC is currently working on a number of mergers and acquisitions in various sectors.