A protest at the Press Syndicate held Monday denounced the imprisonment of journalists, a day after a prison sentence was handed to journalist Youssef Shaaban.

(Photo by Mahmoud Abou El Dahab/Daily News Egypt)
Shaaban had been arrested over incidents of breaking into El-Raml police station in Alexandria in March 2013.
Dozens gathered at the stairs of the Press Syndicate in Cairo holding banners calling for the freeing of journalists and activists. The protest witnessed quarrels with civilians, who threw stones at the protesters driving them to step back inside the syndicate headquarters.
Shaaban was sentenced Sunday to one year and three months in prison along with activist and lawyer Mahienour El-Massry. A total of 11 other activists and lawyers have been charged with 10 accusations, including damaging the police station, insulting the station’s personnel, attempting to help prisoners escape and spreading terror amongst citizens.
The March incident occurred when pro-Muslim Brotherhood members assaulted some activists and drove them into the police station. Lawyers, including El-Massry, who went for assistance, were prevented from entering the station and were assaulted by police personnel inside.
The Press Syndicate’s Freedoms Committee issued a statement Monday denouncing the sentence against Shaaban. The committee asserted that the sentence confirms that “violations of all kinds and forms has became a daily reality for journalists during or due to doing their jobs”.