(AFP photo)
The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) has received offers from companies to supply a second gasification ship with daily gas-pumping capacities of 500m to 750m cubic feet.
A senior EGAS official said the tender will be awarded by the end of this month, and the company is currently studying the financial offers from various companies.
The official said the second gasification ship is expected to be in Ain Sokhna Port by December. The gasification ship will turn liquefied gas into its gaseous state, to facilitate its siphoning into the national gas distribution grid.
According to the official, EGAS has put a tight timeline for awarding the tender so that the ship is supplied as soon as possible. Roughly 500m cubic feet of gas daily is imported as additional fuel for electricity stations.
“All invited companies participated in the tender, and the contract will be for five years. The second ship will receive around 42 shipments of liquefied gas annually, and one shipment will take 140,000 to 170,000 cubic metres of gas,” the official said.
EGAS had previously signed a contract with Norwegian company Hoegh. A ship was supplied to receive and store shipments of liquefied natural gas and re-convert it to its gaseous state to be imported in Ain Sokhna Port.
The contract with Hoegh included the renting of the ship for five years to provide more than 500m cubic feet daily of natural gas to fill the additional needs of the electricity stations.
The final contract came after Hoegh won the international tender of EGAS last year, where Malaysian, American, and Dutch companies competed.
EGAS agreed with the winning companies to supply liquefied gas shipments with a rate of one shipment a week to be delivered to Ain Sokhna Port for the power stations.