The government has formed a ministerial committee comprising of the Ministers of Housing, Manufacturing, and Investment to establish the Damietta city for furniture, according Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb, Monday.
“The project of establishing the Damietta city for furniture is the largest industrial area specialised in the manufacture of furniture and complementary industries in the Middle East, as it is built on 331 acres,” said Mehleb.
He also stressed the importance of the furniture sector’s role as one of Egypt’s most promising industrial sectors, and handcrafted Egyptian furniture products have a good international reputation.
Mehleb demanded that the ministerial committee conduct a market study of the project, on condition that the Damietta governor would be amongst an official Egyptian delegation visiting Italy in the upcoming period. The purpose of that visit is to review the latest achievements and experiences in constructing furniture industry complexes in there, as Italy is famous for this industry.
The prime minister assigned each ministry’s task in the committee. The Ministries of Housing, Investment, and Industry and Foreign Trade, are responsible for analysing soil land dedicated to the project and preparing the marketing study. The ministries are also responsible for studying similar experiences in constructing complexes specialised in manufacturing furniture in different countries, such as Italy, to benefit from such experiences and apply what is suitable for us.
Mehleb requested a protocol of cooperation to be signed between the concerned parties responsible for implementing the project to establish the city for furniture as soon as possible.
Mehleb met with the Ministers of Industry and Foreign Trade, Housing, Investment, Damietta’s Governor, the Head of the General Organization for Physical Planning, Holding Company for Construction and Development (HCCD) and the concerned officials, to follow up with the current procedures of implementing Damietta city for furniture project.
The HCCD’s Chairman and Managing Director, Mahmoud Hegazy, presented a study proposal for designing wood industries complex, on 50 acres out of the 331 acres, in addition to the services area, for the first phase. Damietta’s governor also presented a general plan proposal to establish Damietta city for furniture.
Mehleb received several suggestions for financial alternatives, as well as the way it will be managed, the teamwork, real implementation steps, about which negations are held, to reach the ideal method for implementation.