35 private hospitals in Suez Canal cities raise alert level

Daily News Egypt
1 Min Read

The Ministry of Health announced Wednesday that 35 private hospitals in Suez Canal cities have raised their alert level.

They have also been linked to the ministry’s emergency hotlines, ahead of the celebrations of the New Suez Canal project inauguration.

A Ministry of Health team met with hospital directors to agree on forming emergency teams at each hospital from 5 to 7 August. The teams will work around the clock during the celebrations, according to a Ministry of Health statement.

The ministry also deployed 340 ambulances within the security plan for the inauguration in addition to temporary clinics within the site of the event.

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi kicked off the New Suez Canal project last August, providing instructions for the project to be completed within a year, instead of the initially projected three years, a feat that was much lauded upon achievement.

The inauguration will take place with the attendance of several heads of states and governments, including Russia, France, Greece, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Egypt invited all nations to participate in the inauguration, according to Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry.

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