First film poster in GIF format

Daily News Egypt
2 Min Read
The film is a combination of four old black and white films (Facebook Photo)

Ever since Facebook started showing Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) pictures, users have been using them frequently as a form of expressing their emotions and reactions. However, creating a GIF film poster was a creative idea that did not occur to many people.

Mad Solutions, a marketing agency for Arabic films, created the first trailer for the upcoming film “Zay Oud El-Kabret” (Like a Matchstick) as a GIF picture of a matchstick lit up in black and white. The GIF went viral social media, prompting questions about the film and the creative team beyond the trailer.

“The movie is so unique that it deserved having a unique different trailer as well,” PR specialist at Mad Solutions Ibrahim Abdel Aziz said.

The idea for the film was late actor Hussein El-Imam’s, and is a combination of four old black and white films that were directed by El-Imam’s father, Hassan El-Imam. Scenes from the four films were merged to create a fifth production. Only one of the four films, however, was aired in the past, while the rest have not yet seen the light.

“Hussein wanted to spotlight his father’s films creatively and that was by combining all four of to create a film that has its own story and scenario,” Abdel Aziz said.

For 80 minutes, famous Egyptian actors, including Emad Hamdy, Faten Hamama and others, are brought back to shine on screen playing characters that people will watch for the first time.

“Zay Oud El-Kabret” is expected to air in January.

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