A number of diseases are negatively or positively affected by certain types of foods, while certain diseases can be caused by certain foods. As for epilepsy, it is slightly different, as there is no scientific evidence that certain foods can trigger epilepsy or epileptic seizures.
However, a balanced diet has been found to help people with epilepsy feel better, and improve their ability to focus, have control in life, and manage epilepsy. Diet plans can help patients who have poor control of their seizures by eating specified amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins; they can help the brain function better.
There is currently no scientific evidence that proves that any type of food is consistently linked to causing epileptic seizures in patients. However, some rare types of reflex epilepsy seizures are caused by eating very specific foods, according to the Epilepsy Society of the UK.
The Epilepsy Society specifies that a balanced diet mainly consists of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vegetables, fruits, and drinking a lot of fluids, which can help patients stay healthy, with better functioning brains.
Carbohydrates provide more energy and are found in many foods, including bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice. Wholegrain foods provide the body with extra minerals, vitamins, and fibres which are very important because they help the body’s digestive system.
Vegetables and fruits, especially in many different colours, provide the body with extra vitamins and minerals. They help protect the body from infections and damages to cells, and protect against diseases in general. It is highly recommended that people in general and patients in specific eat at least five portions of vegetables or fruits on a daily basis.
Proteins are also very important because they build and maintain muscles. They support enzymes, hormones, red blood cells, and the immunity system. Dairy foods include proteins, such as eggs, cheese, and milk, as well as fish, meat, tofu, beans, and lentils.
Healthy fats are important for the body, including fish oil, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Fats help the body absorb nutrients, which include significant vitamins. They also help keep cells healthy and provide the body with extra energy.
Drinking enough amounts of water and fluids helps with concentration and function. It also reduces the risk of seizures that are caused by dehydration.