275 ships transit Suez Canal with total load of 15.98m tonnes

Mohamed Ahmed
3 Min Read
The law organises and governs investment in the Suez Canal area, and the economic body that will take over managing the Suez Canal Development Project, in coordination with all the concerned governmental bodies. (AFP Photo)

The Suez Canal traffic data revealed that 275 vessels transited the canal and transported a total load of 15.980m tonnes during the first six days of January. An average of 46 vessels transited the canal per day and transported an average load of 2.66m tonnes per day. The average load per vessel was calculated at 58,110 tonnes.

In July 2015 before the inauguration of the New Suez Canal, the average daily number of transiting vessels was recorded at 47 vessels, with an average load of 2.758m tonnes per day.

During the past six days of January 2016, three major container vessels transited the canal carrying a load of 200,306 tonnes each. The container vessels included Maribo Maersk, Mary Maersk, and Maric Maersk.

Some 140 vessels transited the canal from the north, with a daily average of 23.33 vessels and a total load of 7.957m tonnes of cargo, with a daily average of 1.326m tonnes.

The number of vessels that passed through the new channel coming from the east through the southern entrance was 135 vessels, with a daily average of 22.5 vessels, and a total load of 8.024m tonnes, with a daily average of 1.337m tonnes.

Cargo load is the main measure of shipping traffic in the Suez Canal since cargo load is the metric on which fees for transit are calculated.

Suez Canal Data also reported a revenue decline to $408.4m in November compared to $449.2m in October, which is the lowest revenue since February when revenues recorded $382m. The number of vessels transiting the canal also dropped to 1,401 from 1,500 in October.

The following table shows traffic through the Suez Canal between 1 and 6 January 2016:


Total cargo Total number of vessels South North Days  
    Number of vessels Cargo Number of vessels Cargo
1,747,118 36 16 1,055,711 20 691,407 Friday
2,396,062 41 22 1,360,245 19 1,035,817 Saturday
3,600,000 58 23 1,500,000 35 2,100,000 Sunday
2,424,911 46 23 1,133,381 23 1,291,529 Monday
2,445,088 41 18 839,641 23 1605447 Tuesday
3,367,341 53 33 2,135,109 20 1,232,232 Wednesday
1,598,0520 275 135 8,024,087 140 7,956,432 Total
2,663,420 45.83333 22.5 1,337,348 23.33333 1,326,072 Average
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