The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology launched a tender to provide server devices, an information network, and network security devices to the Ministry of Trade and Industry as part of the cooperation protocol between both ministries.
According to the Ministry of Communication’s bylaw, the financial and technical envelope system was specified to settle the tender, stipulating that competing companies must obtain 75% of technical evaluation points to qualify for the financial settlement phase. The tender will see the provision of 1,294 data outlets.
The Ministry of Communications set 1 March for companies to start making their offers. It stipulated that companies willing to compete must include their previous projects in the application, with a minimum of five projects for five different governmental bodies.
The Ministry of Communication launched a tender last week to provide devices for the remote treatment project during its first phase. The project included providing hardware and software to nine subsidiary treatment units, including five in Cairo, two in Fayoum, and two in Luxor.