CartoonPoliticsWorld In Cartoon: Elections in Iran Last updated: March 10, 2016 8:08 am Amr Eissa Share SHARE To follow Daily News Egypt on WhatsApp press here To follow Daily News Egypt on Telegram press here You Might Also Like If I only had a smile Gulf ministers meet to review Yemen mediation UNHCR says over 41,193 Ethiopians flee into Sudan from Tigray President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi mourns passing of Kuwait’s Emir Sudden fatal heart attacks increase among youth with minimal explanations TAGGED:electionsiran Share This Article Facebook X Copy Link Print Stay ConnectedFacebookLikeXFollowInstagramFollowYoutubeSubscribe Latest News Ruby, Hakim to Dazzle at Madinaty Open Air Mall Concert Friday Lifestyle Instagram Launches Festive Features for End-of-Year Celebrations Technology Egyptian Company, Wadi Food, Achieves World Record for Longest Rotating Grill Business Health Ministry adds a new immunotherapy drug to treat liver cancer patients Health