Development, security issues to dominate Al-Sisi’s Japan trip
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will visit Japan this week in a…
EIPR condemns sentencing of Coptic minors for ‘religious contempt’
The four minors filmed a video in which they mocked practices of…
Iran heads to polls for new parliament
Iranians have been casting their ballots to decide if President Rouhani's reform-minded…
Two protesters killed during clashes with police in Damietta
Two police officers and another demonstrator were injured
We do not mind holding bilateral talks with Egypt: Turkish FM
Çavuşoğlu said Egypt has a great regional role that is hampered by…
OTMT nominates Beltone Financial Holding to finalise acquistion of 100% of CI Capital
Orascom Telecom Media and Technology Holding (OTMT) announced today that its management…
CBE finances purchase of housing for low-income earners with discounted yearly rate
Bank amends mortgage finance initiative, introduces another category of youth
4 minors sentenced to 5 years in prison for charges of ‘religious contempt’
Coptic teenagers in Minya accused of producing video ‘insulting’ Islam
Qabil discusses development of cooperation with EU delegation
Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade Tarek Qabil met with the delegation…
Egypt to take part in G20 summit in Shanghai
Egypt will actively participate in discussions and endeavours conducted in G20 summit