Anonymous militants assassinate school teacher in Al-Arish 

Taha Sakr
2 Min Read
Trucks transporting armored personnel carriers on the road between Rafah and Arish in North Sinai (AFP Photo)

The Teachers Syndicate in North Sinai condemned on Friday the assassination of a teacher in the streets of Al-Arish by anonymous militants who opened fire against him while wandering around the city.

The 40-yeare-old teacher named Mohamed Ahmed El-Sayed was subjected to heavy shooting from anonymous militants in the central of North Sinai’s city of Al-Arish on Thursday. Numerous eyewitnesses, who are residents of Al-Arish and preferred to remain anonymous, asserted to Daily News Egypt that two militants on a motorbike opened fire against El-Sayed and fled the scene.

“Militants, who are believed to be members at the Islamic State (IS)-affiliated group ‘Sinai Province’ watched the teacher on their motorbike while he was wandering near Um El Qura mosque in central Al-Arish. They then opened fire against him, directly shooting him in the head, and left him for dead,” a North Sinai based journalist explained on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile, the Teachers Syndicate in North Sinai expressed its condolences to the family of the assassinated teacher and declared their condemnation of the incident. It moreover asserted that full care will be paid to his family, according to state-run newspaper Al-Ahram.

The number of civilians kidnapped or assassinated in Al-Arish is on the rise. Kidnapping operations are being conducted by numerous militants who are believed to be members of “Sinai Province”. Those kidnapped are suspected to be as operators for army and police forces in North Sinai.


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