Minister of Communications and Information Technology Yasser Al-Qadi has met with leaders from Panasonic—specialised in providing technological solutions for factories—within the framework of expansions in the field of designing and manufacturing electronics in Egypt.
During the discussion, the company stressed its desire to cooperate with local Egyptian and global companies working in the field of electronics manufacturing to pass on its expertise in the field of innovative technological solutions and train staff, as well as provide proper equipment and tools needed to produce smart devices.
The meeting is part of the Egyptian desire to develop technological staff workers and develop electronics manufacturing to compete globally. The Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is currently implementing two main national initiatives: to develop the skills of 16,000 young people within two years in advanced specialties and to create a high-quality electronics industry to meet local demand and exporting needs.
A group of global companies working in the field of electronics and fibre optic cables have chosen new technological zones in Assiut and Borg El-Arab to start their activities and meet the demand of local consumption, as well as to export to the Middle East and Africa. These companies have stressed that they will provide all the support the state needs to develop these industries through providing staff and various incentives.