Year: 2017

Interior minister asserts esteem for journalists in meeting with syndicate leader

Earlier in December, the syndicate’s board council expressed solidarity with recently arrested…

Daily News Egypt

Controversy over Jerusalem continues as Israel pushes other countries to move embassies

Controversy and protests have not ended 20 days after US President Donald…

Amira El-Fekki

Oldest known cases of breast cancer found in Egyptian mummies 

Discoveries were made by conducting CT scans on 2 mummies found in…

Daily News Egypt

Eating apples, tomatoes repairs lungs of ex-smokers: study 

Regular intake of tomatoes may help slow natural decline in lung function…

Daily News Egypt

Chemical surfactants, guava seed oil for collecting spilled petroleum 

Latest oil spill in Egypt happened in Luxor Sunday

Mohammed El-Said

Reasoning with the worst that may befall: How a hard Brexit could hurt Germany

Despite the endless media coverage and fevered political rhetoric, no one yet…

Deutsche Welle

Team O2’s journey in world’s toughest rowing race ends with boat capsizing in Atlantic Ocean

Only nine days after starting the world’s toughest rowing race, Egyptian team…

Daily News Egypt

Ministry of Antiquities seizes 329 ancient coins on their way to France 

After studying them, coins found to belong to Roman, Greek eras with…

Daily News Egypt

Ramses II colossus to be erected at Grand Egyptian Museum display spot

Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Anany approved on Monday the final preparations for…

Daily News Egypt

Long-awaited health insurance system unsatisfactory for health providers 

Law meant to be implemented in 15 years in all governorates

Daily News Egypt