Year: 2017

Cyprus, Greece support Egypt in EU, Al-Sisi praises tripartite cooperation

2018 will see Egyptian-Greek Friendship Association, leaders announced 

Daily News Egypt

Egypt, Cyprus discuss construction of natural gas pipeline next month

The two countries signed electrical connection protocol, sources say

Mohamed Farag

Palestinian reconciliation 3-day dialogue launched in Cairo

Fatah, Hamas say they aim to implement 2011 Cairo Agreement

Amira El-Fekki

Egyptian parliament approves a draft law to increase taxes on tobacco

Based on the amendment, cigarette prices will increase by 3.5 to 6.5…

Elsayed Solyman

Parliament’s Planning Committee forms subcommittee to follow up 2030 strategy implementation

We will continue the performance rates of all parties, says Silvia Nabil

Abdel Razek Al-Shuwekhi

Parliament meeting to discuss lifting prices of sugarcane, wheat, postponed to December

Agriculture Committee to meet with agriculture and irrigation ministers for the price…

Abdel Razek Al-Shuwekhi

Housing, Industry ministries ask parliament for week respite to study new tenders and auctions law

New law to impose regulations related to direct spending and letters of…

Abdel Razek Al-Shuwekhi

Finance Ministry reduces development fees imposed on new cars

Committee suggests development fee should be calculated for private cars based on…

Abdel Razek Al-Shuwekhi

Parliament’s Industry Committee awaits the government’s Automotive Directives in November

The strategy aims to promote manufacturers that raise the export rate of…

Abdel Razek Al-Shuwekhi

Sea level rise, GERD put Egypt’s Nile Delta at risk of submergence: GSA 

The Nile flow currently barely supplies 97% of Egypt's present water needs…

Daily News Egypt