According to EETC, the purpose of issuing this Request for Prequalification (RFPQ) is to invite experienced independent power producers / developers / PV module manufacturers to submit their qualifications to build, own, and operate (BOO) 600MW PV Power Plant on predetermined site on the banks of the West of Nile. The winning company is required to design, finance, build,
own, and operate the PV power plant for a term of 25 years.
The Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) shall purchase the energy generated
from the PV Power Plant during the term of operation according to the terms and conditions of the power purchase agreement (PPA) guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance of Egypt (MoF).
Bidders’ qualifications will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth
in this document. A shortlist of qualified bidders will be selected to participate in the
subsequent Request for Proposals (RFP).
Electricity Sector Structure
At present, the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) owns 91% of the total installed
generation capacity of 29GW. Three private BOOT thermal power plants (2 GW) contribute
around 7% of the installed generation capacity.
Solar Energy Potential in Egypt
Egypt is one of the sunbelt countries that enjoy high solar radiation. Thus, Egypt makes for one of
the largest potential countries for solar energy applications. The solar Atlas was issued in 1991, indicating that the average direct normal solar radiation ranges between 2000–3200 KWh/m2/year from North to South with very few cloudy days (sunshine duration ranges between 9 – 11
hr/day). Figure (1) shows the annual average global solar radiation over Egypt in kWh/m /day,
and Figure (2) show the annual average direct solar radiation over Egypt in kWh/m /day.
Local Manufacturing
Starting from the first Solar Photovoltaic (PV) projects, Egypt has a history of local production of Solar PV components like assembly of PV module, steel structure, electrical components like
cables, transistors, and civil works.
The project company will be required to design, finance, build, own, operate, and maintain
(1×600 or 2×300 or 3×200) MW PV power plant, including operation and maintenance of the
substation(s) at it for 25 years and selling the electric energy generated to EETC. The RFP will
provide the framework and specific requirements for the project. The project company will be
responsible for the detailed design of the PV power project within certain broad design
parameters established by EETC and specified in the forthcoming RFP.
The final time schedule will be defined in the RFP. EETC will select the winning bids on the
basis of MWh price/prices as well as the technical and commercial capabilities of the bidder.
The project company will provide the energy produced on the 220kV side of the step-up
substation built and owned by the project company. EETC is responsible for interconnecting the
power project to the national grid. Detailed information for system interface will be provided in
the RFP.
The project company shall use the land of designated project site(s) under a Usufruct
Agreement (UA) to be signed between the Project Company and NREA; a draft UA will be
included in the RFP. (A usufruct agreement is a lease contract for a specific, limited economic
use of a land area during a defined term. The usufruct agreement for these projects will grant the
winning bidder the right to use the site for Solar energy conversion only, and not for any other
The project company shall operate and maintain the PV farm(s) for an agreed number of
years 25 after the date of commissioning, and EETC shall purchase the electric energy generated
under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) that will be signed by EETC and the project
company. The draft PPA will be included in the RFP.
The bidder is fully responsible for financing the project. To provide assurances to the Project
Company and financing institutions, the RFP will include a Government Guarantee from
Ministry of Finance (MOF) of Egypt, which will cover all financial obligations of the EETC
under the PPA.
The bidder will be required to provide a Solar PV resource evaluation report and a preliminary
PV modules layout plan as part of their bid in response to RFP. The Solar PV measurements
report will complement the Solar PV Atlas for Egypt for future tendering rounds in the area.
The objective of the Request for Prequalification is to identify a shortlist of bidders who are
capable of successfully completing the proposed 600MW BOO PV Power Project, and who are
expected to submit a competitive bid, if selected for the shortlist.
The evaluation will be based on a 1000 points scoring system for the requested information. The
general points and the points assigned to each section of the RFPQ are:
General Format and Completeness
50 Points
Points will be awarded to bids that follow the format requested in the RFPQ.
A. Title Page
0 Points
No points will be awarded directly to the title page. However, the completeness of the title
page will be assessed in awarding points for “General Format and Completeness.”
B. Introduction
50 Points
The successful completion of the IPP/BOO PV project will require expertise in several major
areas. The required expertise may be provided by the bidder, participating firms in the bidder’s
consortium, or by firms that provide services to the bidder’s consortium through subcontracting
agreements. Such services might include engineering, procurement, and construction (either
individually or collectively in an EPC agreement) for PV modules and balance of plant
operation & maintenance.
Points for the introduction information will be awarded based on the clarity of the bidder’s
description of the bidder’s consortium, the responsibilities of each consortium member, and
clarity of the bidder’s description of the role and identification of major subcontracting
companies, if any. The combined responsibility of the bidder and subcontracting companies
must cover the major components of the phases of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project. If the
bidder does not have a committed consortium member or subcontractor for one of the major
components of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project, the bidder should indicate the potential
C. Project Approach
100 Points
Points will be awarded based on the bidder’s demonstrated understanding of the scope of the
600MW BOO PV Power Project, the description of the approach to complete the major
activities of each phase of the projects: (Phase I; Development, Site Measurement, Financing,
Bidding, Phase II; Financial closure, Construction, and Phase III; Operation & Maintenance and
Dismantling) and the integration of the expertise of the firms (consortium members and/or
subcontractors) identified in Section B.
D. Qualifications and Experience
400 Points
The qualifications and experience of the bidder (consortium members and major
subcontractors) in project finance of independent power projects with emphasis on
Independent PV Power Projects will be the most important factor in the selection of the bidders’
shortlist. A history of successfully completed Independent PV Power and other (IPP, BOOT,
BOO…) projects will be the most important aspect of qualifications and experience. This
history must demonstrate that the bidders (consortium members and major subcontractors)
jointly have the qualifications for fulfilling each aspect of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project;
development, financing and financial closure, engineering, procurement, construction,
operation and maintenance.
All references will be checked, experience information must be provided for each member of
the bidder’s consortium and for each major subcontractor using the forms in Exhibits A1, A2, A3
and A4. The experience must match the responsibilities of the consortium members and
major subcontractors, as defined in Section B.
If the bidder does not have a committed consortium member or subcontractor for one of the
major components of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project, the bidder should provide
qualifications and experience for the potential companies.
Failure to include specific individuals as reference contacts who can authoritatively discuss
the status of each project and the performance of the firms (consortium members and/or
major subcontractors) will result in rejection of that project from the firm’s experience list.
E. Resources
1. Human Resources
50 Points
Points will be awarded based on the completeness of the firm organisation charts provided by
the bidder (each consortium member and major subcontractor), and on assessment of the
capacity of each firm (consortium member and major subcontractor) to provide the necessary
human resources to successfully complete the firm’s responsibilities identified in Section B for
the 600MW BOO PV Power Project, and to support other projects that the bidder (consortium
members and major subcontractors) may obtain. This assessment will be based on organisation chart, number of employees in each part of the firm, and the general experience and
qualifications of the firm.
Project Team
50 Points
Points will be awarded based on the bidder’s understanding of the key responsibilities required
to successfully complete all aspects of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project and the calibre of
key individuals committed to the project.
The understanding of key responsibilities will be demonstrated by the 600MW BOO PV
Power Project organisation charts for each phase of project as specified above identifying all
key positions and interfaces with the EETC.
At this time, the bidder should have identified the individuals from the bidder’s firm who will fill
the key management positions in the project organisation charts within the responsibility of the
bidder, as identified in section B. In addition, the bidder will have obtained from each
consortium member and each major subcontractor a commitment for key individuals for the
responsibilities of the consortium member or major subcontractor, as identified in section B.
Individuals shall have experience with the same tasks allocated to them, in previous projects.
If committed individuals cannot be identified because the Bidder does not have a committed
consortium member or subcontractor for one of the major components of the project, resumes
of potential individuals from the firms under consideration should be provided.
For the prequalification stage, EETC will put emphasis on the teams, which will be responsible
for site measurement activities, drafting of bid documents, and other tasks necessary for the
completion of the bids in the RFP including technical, financial, and legal expertise.
2. Financial Resources
250 Points
Points will be awarded based on the bidder’s ability (including consortium members) to obtain
financing and achieve financial closure for the project.
The ability to initiate and complete the work within the firm’s responsibilities, as identified in
Section B, will be part of the evaluation.
The bidder and each participating firm in the project equity should preferably submit their
credit rating for long term unsecured debt by an international credit agency (such as S&P,
Moody`s, DBRS, etc.) and the audited financial statements over the last three years, which
should demonstrate their financial capability to secure the necessary financing for the project.
If a participating equity holder does not have a credit rating at the time of submitting the
prequalification bid, it may request a rating in order to improve its chances of being
prequalified. In case no credit rating is available, it will be evaluated based on its financial
statements. If the bidder is shortlisted, the equity holders must provide a credit rating with
their bids.
The assessment of the bidder’s ability to finance the project will be based on an evaluation of
the bidder’s and consortium member’s credit rating and financial resources to support the equity requirements of the project and other projects that the bidder and the other consortium
members have or may obtain.
The bidder’s ability to secure financing for this project will also be judged on the success of the
bidder’s previous projects, volume of deals that achieved financial closure, and commitments or
expressions of interest from financing sources, which the bidder has established for this project.
3. Construction Capability
50 Points
If Consortium member(s) or major subcontractor(s) for project construction have been
selected; the extent of each firm’s resources will be assessed.
If the construction consortium member(s) or major subcontractor(s) have not been selected
yet, resources and capabilities of potential candidates and the actual firms used for previous
projects should be provided, and clearly identified as candidate firms or firms from previous
projects. In addition, the bidder should indicate the level of experience and qualifications that
he will require for the construction of the 600MW BOO PV Power Project under consideration.
F. Additional Information
0 Points
No points are directly awarded to the additional information section. Any information provided
in this section will be used to supplement the information and assessment of other sectors.